Sunday, April 21, 2013

Overview of English literature

450 A.D - 1066 A.D Anglo - Saxon Period
or, Old English Period
1066 - 1500 Middle English Period
1066 - 1350 Anglo - Norman period
1350 - 1400 The Age of chaucer
1400 - 1485 Barren Age
1500 - 1660 The Renaissance
1500 - 1558 Preparation for the Renaissance
1558 - 1603 The Elezabethan period
1603 - 1625 The Jacobean period
1625 - 1649 The Caroline period
1649 - 1660 The Commonwealth period
1620 - 1660 The Puritan period
1660 - 1798 The Neo - Classical period
1660 - 1700 The Restoration perid
1700 - 1745 The Augustan period
1745 - 1798 Age of Johnson
or, Period of the Reason
1798 - 1832 The Romantic period
1832 - 1901 The Victorian period
1901 - 1914 The Edwardian period
1910 - 1936 The Georgian period
1914 - Now The Modern Period

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